SCHDC Advocates for Affordable Housing at NYC Water Board Public Hearing

On June 4th, SCHDC’s Johanna Kletter, COO of Columba Kavanagh Houses, delivered a powerful testimony at the NYC Water Board public hearing. The hearing, held on multiple dates in late May and early June, focused on proposed amendments to the Board’s Rate Schedule, set to take effect on July 1, 2024. These changes include significant water rate increases that will have profound impacts on affordable housing communities across New York City.

Johanna’s testimony provided a critical perspective on the challenges faced by affordable housing operators and the dire consequences of rising water costs. With over 20 years of experience in affordable housing, she passionately advocated for fairer practices and increased support for essential programs.

Johanna highlighted several pressing issues in her testimony:

– The financial burden of increased water rates on affordable housing, which is already struggling with unpaid rents.

– The recurring flooding issues due to the overwhelmed sewer system, leading to costly damages and higher operational expenses.

– The need for increased funding for the Multifamily Water Assistance Program, from $12 million to $20 million.

– The importance of strict compliance and enforcement for the Multifamily Conservation Program (MCP) to ensure fair billing.

– Advocacy for a stormwater charge to address runoff from non-permeable surfaces.

Key Points:

1. Impact of Water Rate Increases:

   – The proposed 8.5% increase, followed by projected increases of 5.9% and 6.6%, is unsustainable for affordable housing operators.

   – Such increases result in higher operational costs, potentially leading to cuts in tenant services.

2. Flooding and Infrastructure Issues:

   – Chronic flooding in basements due to the overwhelmed combined sewer system causes significant damage and increases utility costs.

   – This flooding requires additional water and electricity usage for cleanup, further straining budgets.

3. Need for Program Funding and Compliance:

   – Advocacy for increased funding for the Multifamily Water Assistance Program to better support affordable housing.

   – Calls for strict enforcement and compliance measures within the MCP to ensure that only efficient buildings benefit from fixed billing rates.

4. Advocacy for Stormwater Charge:

   – Suggestion to implement charges for paved vacant lots and non-permeable surfaces to manage runoff and support water infrastructure funding.

SCHDC’s involvement in this hearing is crucial in representing the interests of affordable housing communities facing rising operational costs. Johanna Kletter’s testimony brings to light the real-world impacts of policy changes on vulnerable populations, ensuring that their voices are heard in critical discussions about water rates and infrastructure. By advocating for fair practices and increased support, SCHDC aims to protect the sustainability and quality of affordable housing in New York City.

For the full testimony, please click here: Link to video testimony

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